Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14, 2010

Life is but a vapor - it's true. Where have all the months gone since the last blog? Since that time two more wonderful grandsons have been added to our family. Blessings there.
I have experienced a heartbreaking crisis. Have returned to a new "normal" although I am not sure much of the time what that really means and is.
I look to the day life is simplier - is there such a day in this lifetime? Or is it the everafter I look forward too? Knowing there will be peace at last in the forever.
Aging. Finding I know less about life the more I live it. Is it suppose to be that way? Having little interest in it as a whole but enjoying the small things even more. Like having a quite day to oneself. Having a clean enviroment in which to live. Smaller is better. Less is good. Sunlight and warmth is pleasing. Sitting in the sun on a nice spring day makes me smile inside. Holding a grandchild by the hand. Eating out in a not so busy resturant. Talking to a friend on the phone. Sending a thank you to Jesus in the form of a gift to someone in need. Sleeping beside my husband. A brisk walk with praise music filling my mind and heart. A visit from one of or both my girls and their children. A good book that speaks "nuggets" of truth to my soul.
These are the things that bring joy to the everyday. They are simple. Truth. Each etches a smile in my heart. It is enough.

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