Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vacation. A wonderful word full of meaning: get-a-away, relaxation, solitude, quite, adventure, exploration...and so on.
This particular time off from the norm has been exactly what I needed. I do so enjoy being home. Accomplishing tasks at my own pace :) stopping to enjoy a breeze coming through the window. Catching the birds calling to one another from the tree tops in my own backyard. Working at tasks long put off until this week. Playing CD's and praising God for this wonderful blessing of rest and work (of my choosing:)
I have enjoyed staying up late - sleeping late :) Just being home and crossing out some of those things on a long to do list as done.
Will work in a few days of travel and relaxation as well...hubby's definition of vacation. :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Back to walking again :) How happy that makes me!
It is the time I feel closest to God.
Being alone with God just enjoying His creation brings a smile to my heart that spreads to my head and brings me to a realization of who I am and who He is. I marvel at how great His love is. How deep His mercy and grace are. I am so in need of all three.
The scenic picture I have on my blog needs to be updated - the cul-de-sac is no longer. A new road has been forged and the views are breath-taking. I watched a sunset that captivated my vision. I could feel God's presence penetrate to earth with the parting of clouds and His sun beaming forth lightening like bolts in several directions at once. Vacant lots line the newly paved street. I was given privy to a splendid sight that I received as a gift especially made just for me. :) I wonder if God smiles at that thought when he sees His other children from other places enjoy the same sunset and think the same thing?
For me sunshine, warmth, mountains, views, trees and privacy bring the most inner contentment. There is a peace I feel deep inside when surrounded by these things.
When I find these things all together in one place - I don't want to leave.
When I think of "running away" that's the vision I have of where I want to go.
Yes I think of running away sometimes. Sometimes I feel so alone and life is so difficult that I don't think I can muster enough strength to go through another day. Sometimes I feel so privileged that I am surrounded by children and grandchildren who accept me and shower me with love that I can do nothing but smile and count myself blessed. Sometimes I dream of adventures...even at my age :) Sometimes I am content. Sometimes not. Sometimes open to God's leading - other times not. Sometimes I am strong and determined other times I am weak.
I wonder how God keeps up with all of those feelings and thoughts that swirl around in my head from day to day? His patience never wains.
For that I am also grateful!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Who am I? Have you asked yourself this question? Recently I have.
For not quite a year now I have found I could not answer the question. I more often would say to myself "I feel lost".
Sometimes I am peaceful inside - sometimes turbulent!
Sometimes I smile at the joy I feel - sometimes I can cry at the drop of a hat :)
Sometimes I have physcial energy - sometimes all I want to do is rest - even nap :)
Sometimes I soak up all that is going on around me - sometimes I talk non-stop - sometimes I just want to be alone (not lonely - just alone).
I find I don't know as much as I used to, don't dream as much, don't want the same things I used to.
So who am I? An energic soul tackling one task after the other? A happy go lucky kind of gal? The kind of woman who has understanding and wisdom therefore peace? OR am I someone not to count on for a good time (who knows I might sit there and not say a word)? Someone who is an 'outsider'? Am I mixed up inside or someone new inside?
I don't really know.
But there is one thing I do know for sure. I am God's. Knowing that one thing is enough.
I marvel at God's love for me. His patience with me. How He reaches into my life with a touch to let me know He is there sometimes just because I am in desperate need of Him sometimes just because He can. :) Even when I don't "feel" His presence I know He is aware of me.
So when I wonder "who am I?" and feel lost ......I say what is true. "I am God's" that is enough.

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16, 2010
Have you ever been traveling in the desert for a long while and almost but not quite feel like you are lost? You keep trodding on as if mechanically operated catching a glimpse of beauty here and there but it quickly disappears as the scenery changes.
Your throat gets dry and your skin parched.
You lose tract of time as far as being able to say how long you have traveled off the beaten path into the wilderness of the vast desert.
But you continue to travel on. One foot in front of the other with no particular place to go. Just knowing you can't stop. Not now. Not here.
Then, out of the blue, comes an oasis on the horizon. Oh you don't see the scope of it all at first...just a sprinkle of cool wetness as the wind carries a small breeze in your direction. But the sprinkle begins to satisfy and you trod at a more rapid pace - your pulse quickens as you anticipate more.
The cloudless sky becomes white again - bringing shade and a pitter patter of moisture. You open your mouth to the sky and as the drops fall into your being not only is your body starting to be revived but the depths of your being as well.
This has been my experience today.
Truth came. I listened. Moved in that direction to catch a glimpse, as it were, of more.
Satisfied. More than satisfied. My heart smiled.
God knows me. God cares.
I am still teachable - I have not traveled too far away to return. He promises us that very thing in Psalm 139.
Thank you Jesus! For a touch of your hand. A glimpse of your love for me. You are truth in all of it's glory and fineness.
There is no God like you.
Who could look down from the heavens and see a single soul and know that soul deeply? Who could care for that soul with a lavish love that is beyond comprehension?
No one but you.
Thank you for showing me who you are.... once again.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14, 2010

Life is but a vapor - it's true. Where have all the months gone since the last blog? Since that time two more wonderful grandsons have been added to our family. Blessings there.
I have experienced a heartbreaking crisis. Have returned to a new "normal" although I am not sure much of the time what that really means and is.
I look to the day life is simplier - is there such a day in this lifetime? Or is it the everafter I look forward too? Knowing there will be peace at last in the forever.
Aging. Finding I know less about life the more I live it. Is it suppose to be that way? Having little interest in it as a whole but enjoying the small things even more. Like having a quite day to oneself. Having a clean enviroment in which to live. Smaller is better. Less is good. Sunlight and warmth is pleasing. Sitting in the sun on a nice spring day makes me smile inside. Holding a grandchild by the hand. Eating out in a not so busy resturant. Talking to a friend on the phone. Sending a thank you to Jesus in the form of a gift to someone in need. Sleeping beside my husband. A brisk walk with praise music filling my mind and heart. A visit from one of or both my girls and their children. A good book that speaks "nuggets" of truth to my soul.
These are the things that bring joy to the everyday. They are simple. Truth. Each etches a smile in my heart. It is enough.